Sunday, March 3, 2013

The DC I Love & The SC I Miss

Thinking about the goods today. The goods that come with calling somewhere home. Obviously, two places in particular resonate with me, as they are really the only two places I have had the pleasure of calling home to this point in my nearly 23.5 years (well, years on this planet, and in this life, anyway). They are my current home, Washington, DC (and all that is captured in its ginormous radius) and my forever home, State College, PA.

This is a bit of a follow up to a previous post outlining my conflicted relationship with my current abode and all of its quirks. I'm feeling visual today, but this time, no gifs, no Google, no BS; all photos are authentic and my own. For better or worse.

So let's get to it, shall we?


I love that I see more people on my morning commute than most people see in a week. Yes, I am a bloody hypocrite for this one. I bitch and complain about the sheer volume of bodies, cars, egos, and the like...but for a people-watching connoisseur, it is a bit of a people-watching mecca (not to mention a people-meeting mecca, which I also quite enjoy).

I love cops on segways (bonus points if the cop is handing out a citation in the wee hours of the night while perched on said segway). I ACTUALLY WITNESSED THIS OVER THE WEEKEND. To say it was awesome would be an understatement and a pure injustice to America.

I love public transportation...especially because of the signs at the Metro. While it is stupid expensive, always undergoing "track work," and is made up of stations that smell like fish markets (someone is going to have to explain that to me sometime...though I'm not sure I really want to know why that is the case), the DC Metro is pretty solid. It's relatively clean, relatively reliable, and saves my soul from being further tarnished by the demonic traffic that permeates every nook and cranny of this friggin' area.

I love the dive bars that squeeze slyly between da clubs and hoity toity joints and boast unapologetic signs like these.

I love the clichéd feeling of awe that comes with gazing down Pennsylvania Avenue at night. Despite how annoying government employees, government contractors, and the government in general may be, AMURICAN pride is rampant...and pretty awesome.

I love that this is not an unusual thing to the grocery store no less. So many people and personalities...for all we know, this could be Justin Bieber. I mean minus the heels, it looks just like him from behind...and I didn't get a look of this person from the front so there truly is no way of knowing.

I love the moments when I happen upon a bar with "cheap" prices. And yes, this is about as cheap as it gets around here. Cans of PBR have become a staple...fight or flight, I tell ya.

I love the abundance of Mini Coopers that surrounds me. There is a street not far from my apartment that I fondly call "Mini Cooper Row," as 4 houses in a row have their respective Mini Coops parked tantalizingly out front. I have to consciously not run into trees or trip when I run by due to the sheer senses of awe and admiration that overwhelm my entire being.

I love my Roxy. Nothing like being reunited after four long years bogged down in a separation-anxiety laden long-distance relationship. Keep an eye out for our upcoming reality show: "Survivor: Real Gingers of DC."

State College:

I miss running up Orchard Road, cutting through the open farm fields, and gallivanting around with the horsies.

I miss sunset hikes up Mt. Nittany and Shingletown with good friends and Camelbaks of wine and brewskies. Fewer things are more refreshing than a nice muscle burn, a tasty beverage, good conversation, and cool air swiftly sneaking in as the sun retreats on a hot summer day.

I miss running with friends (and chasing them finish line). Obviously I can run with friends anywhere, but the runners and r*nners of dear old State are tough to beat (in every sense of the word).

I miss family photo bombing on a regular basis.

I miss these two party animals.

Moral of the story, friends:  Home is not is love.

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