Friday, January 18, 2013

Let Today Be A Good Day

Are you having one of those days? Weeks? Months, even? Months compiled of days and weeks where every little thing is amplified into a depressing hodgepodge of catastrophic proportions? When miniscule things like missing a shot in the trash emote feelings of utter despair? When every thing that should go right just seems to go wrong? When you finally find out Lance Armstrong is a sham? Officially rendering the "hip" yellow band around your wrist obsolete and even offensive (let's face it though, folks, we've known old Armstrong had no balls long before he lost an actual ball).

Well, friends, I am here to tell you that despite feelings akin to those listed above, today (and every day for that matter) is a GOOD day. Why, you ask? Because YOU CAN MAKE IT SO.

Allow me to list a just a few reasons why today is a good day:

1. Unlike this poor pug, you could reach this cookie if you wanted to (okay, not through the computer screen obviously...but if you and this little guy were to switch places, you could).

2. Even Pandas help a brotha (or sista) out. People can, and should, do the same.

3. This is not you:

4. This is not you

5. This is not you

6. This is not you

7. Comedians are friends with each other. They do things like this on national television. And they are the best.

Also, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey exist. And they are awesome.
Also again, Conan O'Brien and Stephen Colbert exist. And they are awesome.

8. Even Bane likes to Boogie

9. Photos like this are of REAL places...and you can GO THERE.

10. Even Ron Swanson cracks a smile every now and again...and when he does, it is pure bliss.

11. Betty White says things like this. And she really is on Facebook. And The Twitter.

12. Racoons may pop up out of no where and scare the beejeezus out of us humans once in a while, but karma is a bitch.

So buck up skippers, it's FRIDAY. So do as Dumbledore does and...

Or if Michael Scott is more your style...

Regardless of how your day, week, month, year is going...just breathe. We all are as happy as well allow ourselves to be. Even if the happiness threshold you can reach today is not as happy as you've been before or can be tomorrow...even if you cannot reach that maximum allotted happiness within your wonderful self, push to get as high up on that happiness scale as you can. And when you get there, reward yourself for it. It'll make you even happier.

Peace, love, and Cocoa Puffs. Cheers!
Photos via random articles on

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