Monday, December 17, 2012

Today, I am thankful.

I am thankful for the weeks when the "Buy One Get One" deal at the grocery store is Wheat Thins.

I am thankful for the long runs that involve smiling uncontrollably the entire time. Those runs when my knees bend seamlessly, no kinks. When my feet feel lighter than Cheesy Poofs and are impeccably pain free. When each step brings me closer to relative sanity. When oncoming runners and I exchange a warm smile and "the nod." When passing bikers ding their little bells and say, "On your left!" AKA "Don't move or you'll get run over...k thanks!" Those runs where all of the things that that keep my mind up at night just fade into the background while perspective breaks through. Those are the runs that remind me why I don't care in the least about having Hobbit feet or bloody socks on a regular basis.

I am thankful for hair clips and headbands, because without them, I would appear to be in a constant state of electric shock. 

I am thankful for ketchup because it can make even the grossest foods taste good.

I am thankful when people who know me and my carbaholic-ism know to save pizza crust, ends of hot dog/hamburger buns, last bites of tortillas, etc...and don't judge me when I giddily accept said donations.

I am thankful for pundits, Fox News, CNN, people complaining about politics in general...because that just means we are able to speak freely. Even if that means putting up with Bill O'Reilly.

I am thankful for marathons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Modern Family, The Office, Parks & Recreation, and Boy Meets World. Even the worst days can be salvaged by these shows.

I am thankful for skirts/dresses with pockets. Ladies will understand why this is one of the most pleasant surprises ever.

I am thankful for Jason Bateman because...


I am thankful for hugs. And not just normal "Hey, haven't seen you in a while," or "Good to see you...buh-bye now" hugs (though those are great too)...I'm talking about those hugs where neither hugger wants to do anything but hug tighter. Those hugs where your whole body is hugging and smiling and hugging some more. Those hugs that elicit the deepest relief and/or the most exhilarating giddiness. 

I am thankful for people who let me merge in front of them without having to see the look on my face that, perhaps, indicates that I have accepted the impending doom of my final moments being spent in a tizzy of road rage on the Capital Beltway.



I am thankful for those who have forgiven me for being an idiot. The people who have understood me and accepted my flaws, even if those flaws are no excuse for the aforementioned idiocy. I am thankful for second chances and for those who have helped me become a better version of myself (still working toward that "best" version).

I am thankful for friendships that have recently sprouted.

I am thankful for friendships that have cultivated and lasted. The ones where both parties want nothing more than to bend over backwards to keep in touch, spread the love, and make it work. The friendships that just stick. At your best, at your worst, there is no shame...just love. 


I am thankful for heartbreak, because it reminds me how capable I am of feeling...and how much love I have to offer. 

I am thankful for teachers. 

I am thankful that in the wake of so much sadness, there is an outpouring of love and support. I am thankful that even though it sometimes takes tragedy to make this notion apparent, it is still there nonetheless.

I am thankful that I have a list of things to be thankful for...and this list doesn't even cover 1/100th of the truth.

And lastly, I am thankful that love is all around.

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